Kylatt, created with Oriol Ivern, Michelin-star chef

14 de May de 2020

Molí d’Alcanó and Oriol Ivern, chef of the Michelin-star restaurant Hisop in Barcelona, work together to create superior category, Special Selection Kylatt.


The Special Selection extra virgin olive oil Kylatt is the new oil from Molí d’Alcanó, created in collaboration with Oriol Ivern, chef of the Michelin-star Barcelona restaurant Hisop.

According to Ivern, Kylatt is an “oil with personality and character” that also “adds value to a dish”, a highly prized feature in the minds of chefs worldwide when it comes time to give shape to their creations. The project was inspired by the raw material itself, as in Ivern’s view, the high quality of the Alcanó cooperative’s Arbequina olives made them perfect for a superior category oil. Eventually, the collaboration between this Barcelona chef and the co-op’s workers led to Kylatt, a Premium Special Selection oil.